7 de noviembre de 2013

"Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice `without pictures or conversation?' "
“Alice came to a fork in the road. 'Which road do I take?' she asked.
'Where do you want to go?' responded the Cheshire Cat.
'I don't know,' Alice answered.
'Then,' said the Cat, 'it doesn't matter.”

     Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Maybe I'm the real Alice in Wonderland...
Always dreaming....
Always changing ....
Always feeling different...alone... looking for a way... getting lost ..

1 comentario:

Enrique Lang-Lenton Bonny dijo...

Buenas...mucha melancolía en tus últimos posts...espero que estés bien...!!! Da igual el camino...esos cuentos nos enseñan tanto!!! Un abrazo...